채널: Jonathan Petramala

제목: NYC Underwater: The Day Nature Rewrote the Record Books

설명: September 29th, 2023, will be etched in New York City's history as the day the skies opened with an unparalleled ferocity. The deluge was so intense that JFK Airport recorded its highest 24-hour rainfall since 1948, with an astonishing 8 inches pouring down. Brooklyn faced nature's fury head-on, as three hours of ceaseless rain equaled an entire month's average downpour. Witness water roaring into basements, stranded vehicles, and impassable roads that brought the Big Apple to a standstill. This video dives deep into the heart of the devastation, spotlighting the worst affected regions like Brooklyn and Long Island. From shattered rainfall records to streets that became rivers, experience the magnitude of NYC's epic flood crisis. For more unforgettable insights and updates from this storm's aftermath, subscribe now. Join the conversation. Hit 'like' if this footage leaves an impression, and share your experiences from this stormy day in the comments below. #HistoricNYCDeluge #BrooklynFlooded #LongIslandSubmerged

태그: Record-setting rain,New York City flood,NYC sewer system overwhelmed,Floodwater in streets,Basement flooding,Subway flood,JFK Airport rainfall record,Brooklyn rain deluge,Intense rainfall rates,NYC weather event,Historic rainfall NYC,Extreme weather NYC,Flash flood NYC,NYC weather news,First responders NYC,Commuters caught in flood,NYC emergency response,Severe weather NYC,NYC storm aftermath,New York City rainfall statistics.

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